Thursday, March 31, 2022

What was it like to make a surfboard some 60 years ago? Or what were surfboards like some 60 years ago?

Recently I had a conversation with a friend about one of his favorite surfboards from when he was a kid, and how he’d like another one. We old guys dream of revisiting our youth, I think.

I remember my first surfboard; it’s the one I learned to surf on. Had it for maybe 4 or 5 years but don’t remember what happened to it. I must have sold it to have the money needed to make another board. It would  be interesting to see it now, if it was in the condition it was in when I had it anyway. But what I remember is it was heavy, had a ¾ inch redwood stringer with orange panels and a wood fin.

Were those early 60’s boards any good? Well mine was great; it was what I had to surf. I could take it to the beach launch it into the water and struggle paddling through the surf zone. Then I could sit, look and then go after catching a wave and struggle to get to my feet before I fell. And after I fell go do the same thing over and over again. Totally beat after a few hours and only think about doing the same thing the next time I could go to the beach.

Yeah that board was great. Eventually overtime I learned to surf on that board. Though I’ve got to say once you get proficient at getting to your feet and can maneuver the board on the wave without falling to much you still continue to learn and develop your abilities. And do it for years. And the same thoughts about wanting and thinking about going surfing never really goes away. For me especially after not being in the water for a time.

Making one of those early sixties boards? It’s hard and fun work. As much as I know about surfboards I can’t do a reissue that’s just the same as back in the day. They may look the same but won’t be as bulky. The word is refined. Outlines the same, though the numbers are slightly different. Rockers are very close to the same. The materials?? The same. Stringers the same, fin the same. And just like the ole days, they are handcrafted.

So the Model 50 is about 10 years old now. The old board is older, but still the same. They can be dressed differently… like different colors or stringers, with our without a wood tail block etc. Fun to have to hold and to make.

The real question is if you ride one will it be all you remember? I can say this though. The other sixties reissues I do have had very happy customers even if they are guys that aren’t old enough to have had one of the originals. 
