Monday, July 31, 2023

Got to talking with a couple people in the water this past week about staying fit so you can continue to surf as you age….

One person asked if I did any cross training, thinking that may be a good way to stay fit. I’m sure it is but not what I’m interested in. Training? Sounds like too much work. The other person asked how old I was. He was 44 and found out I was 30 years his senior.

I turned to the other person and said… ‘ it’s weird looking like an old person’  She replied “because you don’t feel old”. Yeah, and I honestly can only think of a few guys that are my age or close to it able to surf these days.

Surfing is so enjoyable and something that takes a lot of time to get good at. So I don’t want to stop doing it. But it takes a diligent effort to stay fit enough to continue to surf when you reach your sixth and seventh decade. For me it is an absolute. I want to surf as much as I can.

When I told the 44 year old guy my age he said. ‘Nice, that means I can keep surfing for years to come.

Fortunately I’ve been healthy, and don’t have any physical ailments. Hopefully that will continue because I’d like surf for a good ten more years or more.


 The Old guy. Tip Tool in hand, heading for a surf