Sunday, November 12, 2006

My story post 6

Thinking back to my teen years and making surfboards I've got to say I was very fortunate to have parents that supported me and my interests. Without it I would have never gotten that initial experience. All be it self taught.

The church that the family attended was growing and had just finished building a new sanctuary and church campus. There was a small modular building on the church grounds that was used for the construction office and was no longer wanted or needed at the church grounds after the project was completed. The word was put out that it was available. So I asked my parents if maybe I could get one of the modules. I was offered the middle section of the building that consisted of 4 pieces. The sides, floor and roof.

I thought if I got that building it could be put up against the back workshop of the house we lived in and all I'd need to do was make a front with a door and I'd have my own little enclosed place to make and repair surfboards. What a great Idea! I couldn't believe it, my parents said yes!

I don't know how we got that small building the 5 miles from the church to our back yard, but we did. Got the thing standing up and against the back work shop, made the front so it was enclosed, put the stands in it and started working on boards.

And work on boards is what I did. My older sister, 2 years my senior, said because of my little surfboard business she liked me. Why? "You always have money in your pocket" she said. My mom on the other hand…she could get so aggravated. I'd get a fair amount of phone calls, mainly over surfboard repairs. So she would have to go out back and tell me "you've got another phone call". I'd go in the family room where the phone was with sticky fingers from resin and the sticky resin would get transferred to the phone. Then she'd go use the phone and get sticky resin on her hands….DENNIS.. she'd scream. One of these days when we visit I've got to show her my cell phone, before I clean the sticky resin off of course.


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