Sunday, May 10, 2009

Today was Mothers day.

I’ve mentioned in a couple posts how friends of mine had moms that would take us to the beach to surf when I was a teenager. There are moms that surf though mostly what I see is dads in the water with there sons or daughters, but, what about the moms that support their kids in surfing?

My mom never took me and my friends to the beach to surf but she sure supported me and my surfing interests. And as I progressed through my teen years she supported me in my surfboard business.

I see kids getting dropped off at the beach by their moms here in Ventura all the time. As well see kids hanging on the promenade at inside point waiting to be picked up by their moms after surfing. My wife would take our son to the beach so he could surf and was always happy to go off on a camping surf trips for 2 or 3 days. Making sure my son and I were will taken care of while on our trips…. Plenty food, warm sleeping bags, sun block, surf wax…. All the important stuff.

Maybe your dad did some of the heavy lifting when in came to getting started with surfing but without the support of our moms I think it would be safe to say there would be far fewer surfers.

So here’s to all the moms that have made surfing possible for so many.


Me, my wife and half sister sitting around the camp fire on a surf outing… note pile of boards in the back ground.

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