Sunday, August 21, 2011

I need a new phone, so I’m looking at an add for phones and you can get two phone for free when you sign up with a 2 yr commitment.

But, I don’t get this… If you look over the add it says the free phones are valued at $259.99 each. For a few bucks more than that you can buy a regular PC. Isn’t a phone just a small computer? But really it doesn’t matter what the “value” is because if you sign up for 2 years the phone is free. Why not say the phones are worth 20 bucks? Nah, that doesn’t sound good enough. Heck why not say the phone is worth $629.99 then, or a thousand dollars… it really doesn’t matter ‘cause the stupid things are being given away!

Maybe we should do that with surfboards. Jack the price up to $3889.99, but hey we’ve got them on sale for a special price of $889.99 Or, how about, if you promise to buy 4 bars of wax a month and a wet suit every 6 months for the next 2 years you get a surf board for free… I mean what good is wax and a wet suit without a surf board? The surf board is valued at $3889.99 buy the way.

I’ve got a better idea. How about doing a buy one get one free. Of equal or lesser value of course. Yeah, that’s a good one… buy one surfboard at the regular price of $3889.99 and get the second one free.

It just seems to me that if the cell phone company can give you a phone for free then they are making way too much money with there service fees. Why not just let us pay for the phone and get a good service package for a much lower price… yeah right.

Us surf board guys just don’t know how to market stuff I guess. Maybe I should have a price for each one of my models but have a valued price that is way above the sale price.

Would you like, a Tip Tool? OK, that’s $900, but the board is valued at $2200. No, what you really want is an H2. Valued at $1400. but I’m selling them for $650… today and today only.

$2200 for a Tip Tool? Well sure, look at that lamination. Did you know that the rails are lapped three times? 22 ounces of cloth. Resin pin lines, this is the board.

$1400 for the H2? Did you know that board has over 40 years of design history built into it? Yeah, and you could steal it for $650.

My problem is I don’t like selling surfboards. I really like making them though.


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